Psalm 84 1 How dear to me is your dwelling, O Lord of hosts! 2 The sparrow has found her a house 3 Happy are they who dwell in your house! 4 Happy are the people whose strength is in you! 5 Those who go through the desolate valley will find it a place of springs, 6 They will climb from height to height, 7 Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer; 8 Behold our defender, O God; 9 For one day in your courts is better than a thousand in my own room, 10 For the Lord God is both sun and shield; 11 No good thing will the Lord withhold from those 12 O Lord of hosts, happy are they
An Epiphany Poem
In reading Psalm 84 (heard in church yesterday and included above) I was struck with the mention of pilgrims (v. 4). As far as I can tell, it’s the only place in scripture where the word is used. And since today is also the Feast of the Epiphany, when we remember the pilgrimage of the magi, I thought I’d depart from usual practice and include a poem I offered as sermon at an Epiphany observance some time ago. As poetry, it ain’t Auden or Eliot, but I hope you enjoy it. I hope it helps you this Monday in your own pilgrimage.
Searching for Joy
If I could meet the magi, the question on my mind:
What made them take that road trip? What did they hope to find?
Assume their lives were comfortable. It paid well to be wise.
They spent their days at camel chase. At night they scanned the skies.
They knew the stars like back of hand. They’d studied well and hard.
Advanced degreed astrology, In school they got gold stars
Another way to ask it: What was it they were lacking?
Was there some royal restlessness that sent them westward packing?
One eastern night when moon was hid and stars were shining bright,
They wisely cast a glance above and spied a different light.
Next night the same, but brighter. Where did that star come from?
How could they have been missing it? And had it been there long?
Mounting camels, off they went, following that light.
No need to look at GPS. The star would steer them right.
I’m sure you’ve heard the gender jokes: How men can’t ask directions.
Not so for these astrologers: They made a course correction.
By calling on a colleague. King Herod, deemed much wiser.
They asked if he would point the way. He called in his advisers.
Who searched the scripture for a text to pass along to them
They told the Magi where to go: “Head straight for Bethlehem”
We each are like the magi. I wonder if you know it.
(Though you may think it less than wise for priest to pose as poet)
Our lives become predictable. We live out our routines.
But then a light makes us look up and restlessness creeps in.
We realize then we’re seekers for things that fill the bill.
Will money make us happier? Relationships fulfill?
We sometimes shop at Herod’s (the king, and not the store)
To see if power fills that place. We’re always after more.
If we could just work harder. The next promotion reach.
If we could just act better. And practice what we preach.
We each are on a journey to find joy in our lives.
In many ways, we try to fill the gaps that life supplies
What are you seeking in your life? Is search for joy your quest?
Have you a clue where it is found? Or where it’s best expressed?
A search for joy can lose its way when clouds obscure the star.
And pain of life can hide the light. And then we don’t get far.
Our search for joy can get bogged down. Get gridlocked spiritually.
Our lives get in a traffic jam. There’s no green light to see.
We focus on what others have. But what we fail to do
Is seek for joy by looking up, by looking for what’s new.
What’s new is represented In Bethlehem’s young boy.
That’s where we find an answer if we’re really seeking joy.
Like those kings who made that trip and left their status quoing.
There’s new life to be found by all if we will start let going.
Let go. Let God. Our travel tip. Let star become the guide.
And know that when we take a step we go with God beside.
We each are on a journey with guide of Holy Spirit.
It sometimes is a bumpy road. It’s sometimes hard to steer it.
But the journey is a gift itself when made by me and you.
When traveling with other folks we come on something new.
A life we’d not expected. Grace that helps us cope.
A light that shines in darkness. Amid the cold night: Hope.
Community in loneliness. A place to bring our gifts.
A common spirit traveling. A star that spirits lifts.
It’s possible to travel far and never leave this place.
That journey of the spirit starts with one small step toward grace.
The biggest trek can be one step of welcoming God’s love.
Of worshipping with eyes raised up. That is the way we move.
Our world cries out for magi. Needs wise folk seeking love,
Who look beyond the glitter to see a star above.
So let’s head back 2000 years to what these magi teach us.
Across the miles, across the years, their witnesses still reach us.
We find the magi traveling. The Exit: Bethlehem
They’re slouching in their camel seats. The next step’s up to them.
They’ve traveled far. They’re tired. They’ve quarreled just a bit.
Go right. Go left. Head north. Head south. But it was worth the trip.
For when they met the infant king, entitlement surrendered.
They offered gold, incense and myrrh, The best they had to render.
The star they followed led them to child they now adore
The one they flood with presents has given them back more.
It all made sense, so quickly clear, the reason for those miles.
The search for joy now ended with holy family smiles.
It all made sense in worship. They found it filled their needs.
And when we worship Christ child king our search for joy succeeds.
This ending a beginning, move ahead they must.
They headed home another way, left Herod in the dust.
Their story teaches lessons still through years more than 2k
It teaches us to move ahead: Go home another way.
Go forward from the place you offered gift on bended knee.
Go forward to the journey next based on Epiphany
Go forward based on glimpse of light that guides when dark surrounds.
Go forward on your journey. There’s more joy to be found.
-Jay Sidebotham