Welcome to RenewalWorks!

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From its 15-year research, RenewalWorks has become a leader in understanding and assisting Episcopal churches. Having worked with over 350 churches and 30,000 parishioners, RenewalWorks holds a unique perspective on the key characteristics of vital Episcopal congregations. We invite you to join us on a journey of re-energizing your parish around a focus on love of God and each other through our unique 13-week discipleship curriculum.

For more information, view our digital brochure.

RenewalWorks is a discipleship initiative to provide those tools and to orient parishes around the goal of growing spiritually or simply growing in love of God and neighbor.

RenewalWorks’ methodology highlights key characteristics of flourishing Episcopal congregations. The initiative will inspire your congregation and leadership to rediscover who Jesus is and what it means to follow him. Through a guided curriculum that includes self-reflection, sharing of best practice research, workshop exercises, and discussion, churches finish RenewalWorks with a spiritual strategic plan for the congregation to guide their future worship, formation, leadership, and community service.

Specifically, summary information from your parishioners includes what Episcopal beliefs congregants most value, how they currently utilize spiritual practices, and how they put their faith into action in the church and the community. Best practices for the most spiritually vital congregations are also provided.

For examples of our research findings, visit the Research Summary page here.

How does it work?

RenewalWorks begins with a parish-wide online inventory to determine current beliefs, spiritual practices, and the community involvement of parishioners. Next, a small group of appointed lay leaders, staff, and clergy participate in 4 guided workshops exploring their own spiritual journeys, discerning the results of the parish’s compiled inventory data as well as discovering best practices for spiritual vitality in other Episcopal and non-Episcopal churches. Ultimately, the workshop team crafts a final report, a spiritual strategic plan, using the results of their church’s inventory and tailored to the unique needs, goals, and desires of their church community.

The workshops are approximately 2 hours long and facilitated by a lay leader chosen by the participant church. The lay leader is supported by a comprehensive RenewalWorks Facilitator’s Guide and weekly contact from RenewalWorks staff.

For more information see our The Process page here.

For testimonials see our testimonial page here.

Get Started

Once your congregation’s clergy and senior leadership have decided to participate in RenewalWorks, you can sign up by clicking the button below to purchase online or calling Forward Movement’s customer service line to order 800-543-1813 (Monday – Friday; 8:00 am – 4:30 pm ET).

Contact Us

Email us at info@renewalworks.org

For assistance with purchasing the RenewalWorks program, please contact Forward Movement at 800-543-1813 (Monday – Friday; 8:00 am – 4:30 pm ET)